An Actor’s Scheme of Seduction – Extended Epilogue


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One Year Later

Haymarket Theatre

Standing at the eaves of the stage, Lucy added her round of applause as the cast of Love Letters by Moonlight, on their second staging of the night, took a third bow. The play that had once been set for her father’s fifty-fifth birth celebration had debuted on his fifty-six, and the esteemed guests and any other Londoner who had been fortunate enough to get to the theatre were loving it.

Secretly, she wiped a tear from her eye as Alexander bowed with a flourish. They had come such a long way since that horrible night. Lucy preferred not to think of it, but when she did, it was relegated to one stepping-stone in the journey to becoming who they were now.

Alexander was the most sought-after actor in London, and his fame had spread overseas to land on the shores of New York, America. He and Lucy were due to sail in the next fortnight and stay at least six weeks while he performed there.

With a last bow, Alexander slipped from the stage and ducked through the doors to head to his dressing room, and Lucy followed him. As soon as she came through the door, he enveloped her in a tight hug, lifting her off her feet and spinning them before settling her down.

“It was magnificent,” he said, bending his head to claim a slow, passionate kiss which had her cheeks flushing. “I don’t think it could have gone any better.”

Cupping his cheek, Lucy smiled at the glimmer in his eyes instead of the circles under it. Alexander was pushing to make himself more than just the actor he was known for. After their marriage, he had rented out his old apartment to contribute to the house, as his pride did not allow him to take everything from her parents.

He had used half of the sum for classes at Oxford—endorsed by her father—and used another fraction for upkeep of the house. The rest he had pooled together over time to buy shares in Haymarket so he could keep earning from what he loved, even when the day came that he could not do it anymore.

Lucy could not be prouder of the man she saw and loved. “Yes, it was. Father must be proud, and I know that by tomorrow, every newspaper is going to laud this play to the highest degree.”

He plucked his hat off and did away with his waistcoat before unbuttoning his shirt. “We’re off to Almacks for the celebration party soon, right?”

“Hm?” Lucy said as her attention was drawn to his uncovered body; gloriously broad shoulders led to the hard planes of his chest and the line of hair that drew he eyes to…

“My eyes are up here, sweetheart,” he said as he shucked off his boots.

Reddening, Lucy jerked her gaze up to his smirk, his strong, stubble-covered jaw and the shadows that danced along the inky hair curling around his ears. “You cannot blame me if I get distracted—you do the same thing when I undress.”

Laughing, he quickly changed into his street clothes and reached out to claim a kiss from her. “Shall we?”

“Don’t you have to see Perkins before we take off?” she asked while donning her coat.

“I cleared that with him before the play started,” Alexander said, wrapping an arm around her waist. “He said to go ahead and on the unlikely event that he might need us, he’ll send word in the morning.”

“Wonderful,” she tipped on her toes to kiss his cheek. “Let’s go.”

As the entered the corridor, Amalie and Thomas were coming out of their rooms, too, bundled up in layers to buffer the unseasonable summer chill.

Amalie bounced over and circled her arm with Lucy’s. “Shall we?”

Clearing his throat, Alexander said, “Please unhand my wife.”

“Please unhand my best friend,” Amalie retorted.

Lucy laughed and clung to Amalie. “Don’t pout, dear—you’ll have my attention later on.”

“Of course, I will,” Alexander grinned slyly only for Thomas to roll his eyes. “I think its time we find a match for Pouting Thomas here.”

“I do not pout,” Thomas sniffed as they stepped outside, and a brisk air fluttered over them. “I glower; there is a difference.”

The coach they had hired came and they all boarded it and were off to Almack’s to celebrate the play. As they drove through the congested streets, Amalie prodded Lucy. “So, tell me, is Perkins going to allow you to add to the next play we will be doing?”

Her lips curved. “What if I told you that the last script I gave him, he had submitted to the Lowlands Troupe under the pseudonym L.E. Russell and they accepted it, thinking I am a man?”

Amalie gasped, and she hugged Lucy tightly. “I knew it! I knew you would make it! I am so happy for you! After The Pirate Queen took off so well, I knew your writing would be sought after! So, are you planning book two?” Amalie gushed.

“I have some ideas in the mill,” Lucy said. “But it will take a while to put together. Tis a good thing that Alexander and I are going to New York soon because I want to see a sunset from the bow of a ship. It is just what I need for my next novel.”

“A romantic view of dawn over the ocean,” Amalie sighed in wonder.

“That, too,” Lucy nodded. “I want to get every detail down so my readers can feel the salty air blowing over the skin when they crack the cover of my book.”

“And speaking to Boson Larry Seasons was not enough?” Alexander teased. “I swear, that night we went to meet him, you took enough paper to take a mill out of service. Isn’t it enough that The Pirate Queen is flying off the shelves? Already onto the next book, are you?”

Lucy smiled, thinking happily on how the publisher of her novel had contacted her about a second and third reprint. It seemed that the women in London were getting tired of reading about damsels in distress and wanted to see a fierce, strong woman at the helm of her destiny.

“I can’t help it,” she said sheepishly. “I have so much inspiration these days that the words fly over the pages. Henrietta the Pirate Queen has so many more adventures in store.”

“With James by her side,” Amalie added.

“After forsaking the Crown for her, he wouldn’t be anywhere else,” Lucy grinned. “He is now Prime Outlaw of the Crown, as he had stolen state secrets for them to escape being held in prison.”

“Blackmailing the evil King is so fitting, don’t you think?” Amalie laughed. “Be the Devil behind the Devil.”

They chatted about Lucy’s book until they arrived at Almacks where Alexander cut in. “Less book talk, and more dancing and drinking, shall we?”

Thomas gave a resounding ‘yes’ as they descended the carriage and entered the multi-tiered assembly-room. They mounted the stairs until they arrived at the room where the celebration was already underway.

Her father, Duke Tattershall, who had watched the first sitting, was there already and greeted them with gusto.

“Son,” he said, reaching out to shake Alexander’s hand. “I cannot give you enough bravos for your performance—all of you, actually. You were all brilliant.”

“Thank you, Your Grace.” Amalie curtsied, and Thomas echoed the sentiment.

“Now, please, enjoy,” the Duke said jollily. “Just not too much; we have some business to discuss on the morrow. Lucy, your mother sends her love from Bath.”

“Thank you, Father,” Lucy smiled. Her mother was still not settled with her marrying Alexander—even after Hugh had been charged, imprisoned, and fined for his crimes. But it mattered not to Lucy. She was happy and in love. That was all that mattered.

“Now, enjoy the night.” Her father kissed her temple.

As he moved off, Alexander wrapped an arm around her waist. “Would you do me the honour of dancing the reel with me, Missus Russell?”

“Why I shall, Mister Russell,” she smiled as they went off to the dance floor.

The lively music took them away and Lucy laughed all through the energetic steps. When the music faded away, he took them to the refreshments table: a glass of water for him and flute of champagne for her.

As she lifted her hand, the sedate gold band with a shimmering diamond sparkled under the lamp light; it was understated as far as rings went, but Alexander had bought it on his own and Lucy found she preferred it more then the goose eggs pearls and diamonds other ladies wore. Proof of his love and commitment to her were enough.

“Are you sure about going with me to America?” Alexander asked. “Are you sure it would not be too much?”

“No,” she replied. “I want to see New York as much as you are hesitant in going. Believe me, Alexander, it will be fine.”

He brushed his knuckles over her cheek. “You did say you wanted to travel the world one day.”

Leaning into his touch, she nodded. “And this is only the first step of many—let’s toast to it.”

After gently touching their glasses, Lucy finished her drink. “I do believe that is a waltz.”

“You may partner with Thomas if you wish.” He nodded over her shoulder. “I’ll be with Amalie.”

“You’re not jealous?” she teased.

“Why would I be?” he replied. “I only have eyes for you, and I know it’s the same for you.”

Laughing, Lucy set the glass down and went to the floor to meet Thomas as Alexander swept Amalie to the floor. The night passed with sets that sped by, and a flowing fountain of champagne that had Lucy giggling while Alexander made their excuses and led her down the stairs.

“I believe you are drunk,” he said in her ear as they met the lobby.

“I am not,” she protested while they stepped out. “I’m just happy. Over the moon, truly.”

“Really?” he asked as he walked them to where their coach was parked. After signalling, the driver helped her inside. “I’ll believe it only after seeing you can stay awake until we get home.”

“And what will you give me if I win that wager?” Lucy asked saucily.

Leaning into her ear, he whispered, “Anything you want.”

“I’ll take those odds,” she grinned while settling into his side. With her gaze out the window and at the moonless sky, she sighed. “A year ago, when we first met, did you ever think this would be where we would end up?”

“Not in my wildest dreams,” he said, while stroking his fingers down her arm. “And trust me—I have a few of those.”

“I told myself that I would do anything but live in regret,” Lucy replied as she tucked her head under his chin. “If I had let them pressure me into accepting Draven, I would not have achieved anything at all and I would be a shadow of myself by now.”

“I knew I wanted to marry when I came to London.” He kissed her temple. “But I could not find anyone who soothed my soul as much as you have. Women threw themselves at me, and I could choose and refuse as I liked, but even so, no one had stapled my feet to the ground as one look at you had that first morning.”

The carriage came to their home in Mayfair and Alexander tipped the driver before they went inside. They did away with their coats and other layers. Inside their bedroom, while Lucy went to do a quick ablution, she heard Alexander stoking the fire alive.

Donning her silk wrapper, she left the washroom and entered the bedchamber to see him sitting on a rug before the flickering fire, utterly naked and a glass of wine in hand.

“I don’t suppose that is for us to snuggle together and tell fairy tales, is it?” She smiled innocently.

He threw back the wine. “Come lay with me and you’ll find out.”

This tension between them had been the same all these months. A slight tantalising touch, a gaze that was more of a caress than a look, and kisses that spun her senses in circles. He did away with her tie and the silk slipped to the ground in a gentle whisper.

He pulled her down to his lap and claimed her mouth with a kiss, a seductive touch that she gave into the moment his lips touched hers. With his tongue exploring her, he set her to lay against him, her back to his front.

His jaw was smooth against her cheek as his body moulded itself down her spine and the smell of his woody cologne hit her nose. Heat rose under her skin, as if the flames in the fireplace were flickering over her flesh.

His arms wrapped around her waist, and his hands stroked down the front of her body. The touch of his rough fingers sent a frisson of heat dancing over the exposed skin as he travelled closer and closer to the centre of her pleasure.

The soft brush of his fingertips prickled longing under her skin in the same way that his lips coasting over her neck and the words of desire he whispered in her ear sparked her passion to life. Alexander’s first touch of one finger was almost tentative, a delicate stroke she didn’t expect, her body shuddering at the light touch, but grew bolder, delving deep, her body slick and welcoming his pleasurable invasion.

Lucy was only aware of the stroke of fingers between her thighs, his warm body behind her and his hot lips that trembled over her neck. Sensation rocked her and she was glad of his strong embrace, holding her hard against his changing body.

She could feel his hard ridge pressed against her bottom, a rocking motion on his part. A slight thrust had her hips tilting, seeking what she needed as his fingers worked her body as a violin reaching a crescendo.

Alexander had her flat on her back as he covered her body with his, and with a soft, loving kiss, joined their bodies as one. Now he was inside her, hot flesh surrounding him, her hips shifting in time with his thrusts as they made love.

They moved as if they were a single soul inhabiting two bodies. Fiery pleasure streaked through her as he sent her to a transcendent place; her lips parted in a soundless cry and her hips bucked helplessly.


His voice, dark, and laden with passion skated over her skin. “Let go, my love. Fly for me.”

The sensations built, climbing higher and higher—then heat, blazing like the sun, burned through every nerve, searing her with pleasure that no words could explain. Dimly, she heard Alexander cry out at his crescendo and Lucy could only hold him tight.

By degrees, he parted from her body, only to hold her tight and say, “You complete me, my love.”

Resting her head right above his pulsing heart, she kissed his skin. “You are the part of me I was missing. I will never let you go.”

As she drifted to sleep, Lucy felt the wealth of their love flowing between them. They knew, both of them, that whatever their future held, it would be rich indeed, as they would forever have each other.


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16 thoughts on “An Actor’s Scheme of Seduction – Extended Epilogue”

  1. This is a great story of love and strength. Going against the odds and striving for the future. The only problem I had were the multiple times words that were added incorrectly some words not being correctly used (the instead of they, her instead of here, etc.) Looking beyond this the story was excellent and very moving. Another very great story, Meghan Sloan, thank you for such a wonderful reading.

  2. A true love story. The characters portrayed real life and the struggle they endured to find their happiness. I enjoyed the story immensely.

  3. Its not fair reading this lovely tale about two people who came together at last bit steamy thats where the not fair comes in too old to really feel the thrill different style of story but most enjoyable from a favourite author

  4. Lovely story.Glad that Lucy and Alexander could be married.
    Lucy’s father is the Duke OF Tattershall NOT Duke Tattershall .
    In the UK King Charles’s elder son Prince William is the Duke of Cambridge not Duke Cambridge

  5. A wonderful story full of mystery, intrigue and loving. I had a very hard time putting it down once I began reading it. I recommend this book highly to every one. Good work Meghan, lets have more!!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and support, dear Valerie! I truly appreciate it!

      So glad you enjoyed the story! Make sure to stay tuned because I have more coming!

      Thank you again and have a lovely day!

  6. Meghan this truly is one of my favorite books from you. Lucy and Alexander’s romance will live in my heart forever. Thank you for sharing your many stories with me!

  7. I have read a lot of books lately including those of Meghan Sloan! Whilst I enjoyed this story, the lack of attention to detail in the use of grammar was very annoying! There were more ‘errors in this book than any other book I have ever read!
    This is the first comment I have made on these websites which is indicative of my annoyance!

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