Grab my new series, "Lust and Longing of the Ton", and get 2 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Isabel walked to the edge of the small property, peering into the distance. She couldn’t hear the rattle of any carriage wheels yet. It seemed that Daniel and the Dowager were running a bit late. He had said that they would be here around noon, and it was already an hour after that.
She gazed back at the house. Their home. Their first home together, that her father and Daniel had gifted them. It wasn’t opulent nor grand—not in the manner of Hampshire House, her childhood home, or Henry’s home back in Cheshire. It was a simple two-storey sandstone house on five acres, about a mile northeast of Darnley. But it was beautiful and all that she wanted or needed. If she had her husband by her side, what else did she need?
The front door opened. Henry stepped out, smiling broadly. “No sign of the carriage yet?”
Isabel shook her head. “No. It seems they are running very late. It is over an hour.” She sighed. “Luncheon will be growing cold. Mrs North will be upset. I shall have to spend a half-hour with her in the kitchen appeasing her.”
Henry laughed, walking slowly towards her, taking her in his arms. He gazed down at her for a moment, before lightly kissing the top of her nose. “I shall talk to Mrs North. She is temperamental, but she likes me. Never fear. I shall make sure she doesn’t spoil the pudding in retaliation.”
Isabel laughed, putting her head against his chest. “She is fond of you. More than me. I believe if you told her that the sun rises in the west, she would believe you.”
“What can I say? I am just a charming man,” he teased, his eyes alight.
Isabel laughed. Their life in Nottingham House was filled with joy. Even the cook’s surliness couldn’t spoil it. They had all they desired within these walls. They had each other.
It had been a year since their rushed marriage. Only last week, they had celebrated their first wedding anniversary, with a candlelit dinner. A year of settling into their marriage and their new home. A year of discovery and delight. They rarely socialised, keeping away from the balls and dinner parties. Isabel didn’t miss it at all. She found it hard to remember why she had ever liked that world at all.
Francis had kept his word. He had never spoken to anyone about the Ridlington family’s secret. Daniel and the Dowager were still living at Cumbria Lodge, leading a stable and peaceful life. They were accepted by the ton, and no one in high society here knew about their background. And that was the way it was going to stay.
Henry’s family were constant visitors. The Dowager came once a week to catch up with them. Daniel’s visits weren’t quite as frequent, but he still came often. Today’s luncheon was waiting for them. Roasted pheasant and vegetables picked from the garden. Afterwards, they would probably all stroll through the gardens together before the two brothers settled in Henry’s study, catching up over a glass of brandy. She and the Dowager would retire to the parlour and work on their embroidery, side by side, catching up on village gossip.
She smiled to herself. It had been a little awkward between her and Daniel to start with, after the wedding, but they soon settled into an easy-going camaraderie. She couldn’t believe she had ever contemplated marrying him now. He was like a brother to her. It was strange to think that her life could have been so very different, that she might never have experienced the joy of marriage to the man she loved. It didn’t bear thinking about.
Suddenly, she heard the carriage rattling up the road just outside their front gates. She and Henry turned expectantly. The carriage entered, coming to a halt. The door opened, and Daniel stepped out, grinning from ear to ear. And then someone else climbed out of the carriage, as well. Isabel turned, expecting the Dowager to emerge.
Except that it was Mary Ann, her eyes gleaming, wearing her very best bonnet and afternoon gown.
Isabel’s jaw dropped. To say she was surprised to see her friend climbing out of the Ridlington carriage was an understatement. What was she doing here with Henry’s family? It was odd indeed. No one had told her to expect her friend as well.
“I can see I have shocked you, Isabel,” laughed Mary Ann, her cheeks dimpling. “I do so hope you can fit me in at the luncheon table.”
“Of course, we can,” sputtered Isabel. “You are most welcome, Mary Ann.”
The Dowager climbed out of the carriage, looking serene. “I am so very sorry we are late. We stopped by Mary Ann’s home, you see, and we were delayed by Mrs Talbot. Is the luncheon quite spoiled?”
“Not at all,” said Henry. “But Mrs North might just have a conniption if we do not go straight to the dining room and eat now. Shall we?”
They all drifted inside. Isabel gazed at her friend sideways as they walked. She was bursting with curiosity as to why she was here with the Ridlington family. But the questions would have to wait until later. Now, they just needed to start the luncheon before her temperamental cook did indeed have a conniption, just like Henry claimed she would.
Isabel didn’t get a chance to speak to Mary Ann until after the meal was finished. They were all strolling through the gardens. The three members of the Ridlington family had walked off together. Isabel took a deep breath, turning to her friend.
“I cannot stand it for a second longer,” she said quickly. “Really, Mary Ann, you must tell! What on earth are you doing here with the Ridlingtons?”
Mary Ann laughed, blushing. “I was invited, Isabel. Daniel called yesterday afternoon to invite me.”
Isabel raised her eyebrows. “Daniel? You are on first name terms with him?”
Mary Ann’s blush deepened. “Yes, I am.” She gazed at Isabel coyly. “He has been calling on me quite a bit recently. And at every dance I attend, he always asks to be first on my dance card.”
Isabel gaped at her friend. She had no idea that she liked Daniel. Because it was clear by listening to Mary Ann, and watching that sweet blush on her face, that she did like him. Very much.
“You have kept your cards very close to your chest about this,” said Isabel, smiling slowly. “You never mentioned it when we had tea last week.”
Mary Ann smiled. “I did not know how to, Isabel. But when Daniel suggested I accompany him and his mother to this luncheon, I thought it a grand idea. To show you, rather than tell you, I suppose. To place my cards down on the table, once and for all.”
Isabel laughed. “Well, you have certainly surprised me, dearest! I had no inkling of it at all. Henry has not mentioned it if Daniel has confided in him.” She paused, staring at her friend closely. “Are you serious? Is he?”
Mary Ann’s eyes gleamed with pleasure. “Yes. I believe so. When he asked me to attend this luncheon with him yesterday, he also asked if he could formally court me. That he admires me above all other ladies.”
“When did this start?” Isabel couldn’t keep the delight out of her voice. “When did you and Daniel start to become close?”
Mary Ann laughed. “Well, I will admit to you now that I always liked him. Even when you were interested in him. But I never said anything because I did not wish to upset you, nor make you change your mind. Besides that, I sincerely thought I never had a chance with him, anyway.” She ducked her head.
Isabel gaped at her. “You have always liked him? You should have just told me, Mary Ann! And there I was, whining to you about Joanna Hodge and which one of us he would choose. I am utterly ashamed of myself.”
Mary Ann smiled. “There truly is no need to be. I liked him, that was all. There was nothing between us at that stage, and I never thought there would be.” She took a deep breath. “We first talked properly that night of the Pearson’s ball. When you asked me to distract him so that you could talk to Henry. Remember?”
Isabel smiled slowly. How could she forget that night? It had been a very memorable evening indeed. Francis had just told them about the Ridlington family’s secret background. Henry had just told her that he had spoken to Daniel, and they were free to court. And then, to top it all off, Joanna Hodge had caught them kissing in the gardens.
But she had forgotten that she had asked Mary Ann to distract the Earl while she talked to Henry. So much had happened that night it had been hard to keep up with it all. And to think that her dear friend was forging a connection with the gentleman she liked while all of that was going on.
“I am thrilled,” said Isabel. “I truly am. Henry and I were despairing that Daniel would ever choose a lady to court. And you are my dearest friend in the world, and I want you to be with a man you truly like…or love. Just like with Henry and me.”
Mary Ann blushed with pleasure. “Your approval means so much to me, Isabel. I was a bit apprehensive about telling you. And when word gets out about it, I shall have every lady in the district giving me venomous looks. Including our old foe, Joanna Hodge, who is still telling everyone that the Earl admires her above all others, even though he rarely talks or dances with her anymore.”
Isabel laughed. Joanna hadn’t changed, it seemed. But she was thankful to Joanna, in some ways. If it hadn’t been for her, she wouldn’t have married Henry so quickly. And the lady hadn’t told the whole district about her indiscretion with Henry at the Pearson’s ball, at least. They had been safely married, and there hadn’t been a whisper about it. People had wondered, of course, why they had married so quickly, but Daniel had spread the word that his brother had been quietly courting Isabel all along, and they had accepted it.
“Look at you,” said Isabel, taking her friend’s hands, gazing at her. “My Mary Ann. The dark horse won the prize in the end. Who would have thought it?”
Mary Ann laughed. At that moment they were interrupted by the others, returning from their walk. Henry smiled at them.
“What is going on here?” he asked. “You both look like you have discovered a king’s treasure.”
“We have,” said Isabel, laughing. “You have no idea.”
Later that night, after their guests had left, Isabel sat at her dressing table, brushing her hair, thinking about the day. She was so happy for her friend. And she just realised that if Mary Ann ended up marrying Daniel, that they would become sisters. Another reason for celebration.
“What are you thinking about?” asked Henry, coming up behind her, placing his hands upon her shoulders. “You have that secret smile upon your face. The one you always get when you have pulled off something well.”
Isabel laughed, staring at her husband in the mirror. How handsome he was. She was still struck by it, even after a year of marriage. She still couldn’t believe her luck that he was her husband. That it could have turned out so differently.
“Did you know anything about Daniel and Mary Ann?” she asked.
Henry chuckled. “No. I was as surprised as you were when she turned up today. You know what Daniel is like. He rarely reveals himself.” He paused. “He did tell me today that he is serious about her. That he has finally made his choice. I told him it was about time.”
They laughed together.
“Come,” he whispered, catching her eye in the mirror.
Isabel’s stomach lurched. It was truly wondrous how he could evoke this reaction within her by merely a glance. By narrowing his eyes in that certain way of his. It was as if her body was tied to his, and there was an invisible cord between them.
Their love had only deepened in the year since their marriage. She had worried at first that they married too quickly, even though Henry assured her constantly that he hadn’t felt forced, that he was going to propose to her anyway, and that he was the luckiest man in the world. But the ensuing months reassured her. They were made for each other, although they still argued about silly things, now and again. They were both stubborn and wilful and could clash. But somehow, it just added some extra spark and frisson to their union.
How lucky she was. In every way.
She didn’t answer him. She simply stood up, facing him, before he kissed her. Then he pulled back, taking her hand. She thought he was going to lead her to the bed, but he didn’t. Instead, he took her out of the room, down the long hallway to another room, where the tub stood. Steam curled upwards from it.
“Your bath awaits,” he said in a sultry whisper. “I thought I might wash you…if you will let me.”
She laughed, filled with delight. “You can wash me all over. I will not object.”
His eyes gleamed wickedly. “Come on then. Get in. We don’t want the water getting cold, do we?”
She shed her nightgown, stepping into the tub. Henry watched her closely, drawing a sharp breath, as he observed her naked body. It was always the same. He always gaped at her as if he had never seen her before, like it was the first time again.
She sighed with pleasure, leaning back into the bath, closing her eyes. It felt wonderful. And it felt even more wonderful when he began rubbing her body with a sponge, paying careful attention to her breasts, twirling it around her nipples. She felt them instantly harden, and a pang of desire shot through her.
“Oh, yes,” she whispered. “Do not stop.”
“I do not intend to,” he whispered back.
His hand dipped lower, the sponge caressing her belly in circular swirls, before travelling lower still. Gently, he parted her legs. She moaned as she felt the sponge softly sweep over her most intimate area, sending shockwaves of delight down her legs. She leaned back in the tub so that her head was over the edge and her hair spilling to the floor.
“That is it,” he whispered as she moaned again. “Surrender to it. Come to me….”
A spasm tore through her body, making her jerk. It was like she was connected to a bolt of lightning. The combination of the texture of the sponge, the silkiness of the water, and his expert motions were giving her an experience unlike any she had ever known. She knew she was very close to climaxing. She could feel that she was teetering right on the brink.
Suddenly, it crashed over her, tearing through her body. Deep shudders overwhelmed her. She arched her back, vaguely aware that the water from the tub was spilling onto the floor but was so immersed in her ecstasy that she simply didn’t care. His eyes were on her the whole time, watching her in the throes of her pleasure. It only made it better.
As the last drop of pleasure rippled through her, he suddenly pulled her up out of the water. His hands were urgent upon her body. She smiled. She knew that he was on the edge, and she didn’t mind at all. She wanted to feel him inside her. Right now.
She gasped as he entered her, filling her completely. He pushed her against the side of the tub as he thrust, holding her firmly, his hands on her buttocks. It felt so good that she could feel it starting all over again. They climaxed together almost immediately. She had never known it to be so quick but so spectacular before.
Afterwards, he gently picked her up, carrying her back to their chambers. When they were in bed, she turned to him.
“How is it that you delight me so much?” she whispered, her eyes shining with tears. “How can it be so good between us?”
He traced her lips with his thumb. “It just is Isabel. It is one of life’s beautiful mysteries. We do not choose it. But I am so grateful to have it with you. I couldn’t ask for anything more out of life.”
She kept staring at him. She hesitated. “Life is going to change soon, Henry. In a very big way.” She bit her lip. “I have been meaning to tell you, but I didn’t know how….” Her hand drifted to her belly.
His eyes widened in shock. “Am I imagining what you are trying to tell me?”
She laughed nervously. “No. You are not. We are having a baby, Henry. A child of our very own. A child that we made together. Are you happy?”
His eyes filled with tears. “I thought I couldn’t be any happier, Isabel. But it seems I was wrong. Yes, I am over the moon.” He looked stunned. “A child of our own. I cannot wait.”
He leaned down, kissing her belly. Isabel’s heart shifted. Soon, they would be a family. It was wondrous. She truly couldn’t ask for anything more out of life.
She had a wonderful husband, who she loved more than anything. A beautiful home that they had created together. A child would be the cherry on the cake. She was almost overcome with joy.
And to think, it could all have been so very different if she hadn’t fallen for the wrong man, who turned out to be so very right.
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Grab my new series, "Lust and Longing of the Ton", and get 2 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Hello there, my dear readers. I hope you enjoyed the book and this Extended Epilogue! I will be waiting for your comments. Thank you! 🙂
What a beautiful love story! Although Isabel and Henry had their ups and downs their love won over jealousy and predijust. I enjoy Ms Sloans books very much and highly recommend them to others.
Thank you so much dear for the lovely thoughts!
Thank you for the support!! So nice to know you liked it!
A very good story about love and family Henry and Isabel make a lovely couple
Thank you dear! So lovely!
I love a good romantic novel especially when it has a happy ending.
Thank you so much, I am happy to make you feel this way!
A wonderful romance story. Enjoyed all the characters and the parts they played in joying this loving couple.
That’s so wonderful, thank you!
A beautiful romantic story with an equally beautiful ending.
I really enjoyed it
Thank you very much dear!
Lovely story of true love finding its way through many ups and downs of family life and happenings.. Enjoyed the Extended Epilogue as well. So happy the Earl and MaryAnn found each other.
Hey dear! Sorry I just got to this! Your words are really humbling, I am so happy to know you got the same feeling as me while reading this! Thank you!!
A truly wonderful story of love and trials. I loved the twists and turns! Thank you for such a great reading time. I suspected about Mary Ann and was so glad it turned out well for her.
I am so delighted to know you enjoyed this much!!
What a mercenary, shallow life led by the nobles of the era. The story proves again the fine line between love and hate as Isabel and Henry move from dislike to attraction to love and HEA. Happy that Daniel & Mary Ann are courting and that the hateful, jealous Miss Hodge has been scorned. A moving love story. Thank you.
Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts, I feel the same way, too!
I really enjoyed reading this novel! Love is so important and sometimes we don’t recognize just how we find it. When we do nothing better can be found. This story shows how we often overlook just how important it is to find that so very important love, this book shows the way, thank you, Jack.
Thank you so much dear for the lovely thoughts!
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, I feel the same way, too!
Great read, love your style of writing and captivates the reader from page one. Thank you. Will be reading more of your books.
That’s so nice to hear, thank you so much! I look forward to your thoughts!
Isobel and Henry’s fiery romance truly sparks hot passion for the reader to experience. We all can be awakened by the hot flames of true love. Be sure to let Tangled in Scandalous Court ships set your heart and body on fire!
Thank you for the lovely words!!
A beautiful story. For Isobel to choose love over title and wealth; for Henry to give up the ire towards the ton and fall for a lady from the ton – were interesting personal struggles. So glad they gave in to their love for one another.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support, dear Terry! I truly appreciate it!
Meghan, you worked out all the kinks and chaos in such s beautiful way. I loved the fierceness of Isabel, the loyalty of Mary Ann, the determination of Daniel, and the passion and wit of Henry. A beautiful and satisfying story with secrets being kept while another being leaked brought love to fruition.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support, dear Vivian!