Enthralled in the Governess’ Gaze – Extended Epilogue


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Victoria – Four Months Later

“Edward,” she moaned, arching her back, taking him deeper inside her. “It…it feels so good!”

“You are so perfect,” he told her, breathing heavily. “You fit me so well. My love. My wife.”

That simple word sent shivers of delight dancing up her spine. Wife. She was his wife, and he was her husband. She had been impatient for the day to arrive. It had been a busy four months since their reunion. Not only had they been planning their wedding, but they had been planning and preparing for her family to return to England. She was happy to have them close by, and they would be cared for, her siblings’ futures secured.

It was such a relief. She had set out to help her family, and she had managed to achieve her goal. Her wedding to Edward had also been a celebration to welcome her family home. 

She and Edward had waited until the scandal caused by Cressida and Alvin had died down somewhat to announce their engagement. The siblings had left town to avoid the public eye, which had helped people move on quickly, which was a relief.

The wedding itself had been a dream. A fantasy. Hundreds of guests had been in attendance, and Victoria had never felt so happy in her whole life as she had the moment she had locked eyes with Edward as she had walked down the aisle.

His love for her had been bright and obvious in his expression, and her heart had raced at the sight. The racing had not stopped throughout the lively reception, full of merriment and joy. It had not stopped when she and Edward had slipped away from the celebration together, desperate to be alone.

And it had not stopped racing as they had fallen into bed together, both eager to consummate their status as husband and wife.

Edward rolled onto his back, pulling Victoria up on top of him.

“Ride me,” he growled.

Lost in the moment, Victoria began to move without hesitation. Edward held her hips but did not try to control her as she undulated above him.

Closer and closer, she came to the edge of release, growing more eager to claim her orgasm.

“I am going to finish, Victoria,” he groaned. “You are pushing me to my limit.”

Victoria whipped her hips back and forth faster and faster until she hit that peak and exploded with pleasure. She threw her head back and let out a scream. Edward’s fingers dug into her hips, and he bucked beneath her before shouting as he followed her into the abyss.

With a sigh of satisfaction, Victoria collapsed to the bed next to him. Chuckling, Edward wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his side. They held each other as they caught their breaths, cuddling and soaking in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

“Was that to your satisfaction, wife?” Edward teased.

Chuckling, Victoria pressed a kiss to his chest and replied, “Yes, husband. Very satisfying.”

“Good,” he murmured. “You can look forward to a lifetime of satisfying nights like this.”

“Oh, is that so?” she smirked. “Quite confident in yourself, are you not?”

“Very confident,” he assured her with a wink. “Though I am certain I could always learn more.”

Leaning up, she pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. “Do not worry, my love. I will be a patient teacher.”

Laughing, he hugged her tight against him, and they clung to each other, wrapped in love and adoration, as they drifted off to sleep, happy and satisfied.



“You must come and visit us,” Emily said, tears in her eyes. “Promise me, Edward.”

Cupping his sister’s face, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I promise. We will come to visit. I will write to you once we are more settled.”

Emily nodded and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly.

“I am going to miss you,” she whispered.

“I am going to miss you too,” he replied.

They pulled apart. Emily sniffled but raised her chin and put on a brave face. Emily, James, and Lily had delayed their trip to the Caribbean by a few months so they could be present for Edward and Victoria’s wedding, but the day had come for them to leave.

They were all gathered at the dock to say their goodbyes. Victoria was hugging Lily while the Duke and Duchess waited to embrace Emily. She ran into their open arms, and Edward stood by James, holding his hand for the man to shake.

“Take care of yourselves,” Edward said with a nod.

“Do not worry,” James assured him. “I will not let anything happen to them.”

Edward smiled softly. “I know. You are a good man, James. I am happy that Emily has you.”

“Thank you, Edward,” James replied.

Suddenly, the call went out to board the ship. Edward moved to stand next to Victoria and offered Lily a hug. The little girl clung to him, her face streaked with her tears.

“Be a good girl and help your mama and papa in your new home,” Edward told her, patting her head. “Can you promise me that, Lily?”

The little girl nodded and sniffed. “I promise, uncle. I will help them.”

“Come along, Lily,” James said, coming up behind the girl to take her hand. “We need to go now.”

Nodding, Lily waved her free hand at Edward and Victoria. “Bye-bye, Uncle Edward. Bye-bye, Aunt Victoria.”

“Goodbye, Lily,” Victoria replied with a soft smile.

“We will see you very soon,” Edward promised her.

Edward took Victoria’s hand as they watched Emily and her family board the ship. Edward’s chest ached as they waited for the ship to set sail, no one wanting to leave until the vessel was out of sight.

Only then did Victoria release a shuddering breath. “I cannot believe they are actually gone.”

“I know,” Edward replied, squeezing her hand. “We will see them again, though. Do not worry, my love.”

“We are going to head back to the house, son,” the Duke said. “We will see you there soon, yes?”

Edward nodded. “Yes, we will be right behind you.”

Once the Duke and Duchess had walked away, Edward and Victoria headed to their carriage.

“I know you are sad right now,” Edward said gently. “But I promise to make you feel happy again.”

She gave him a sweet, sad smile. “I know, my love. And really, I am happy…I will just miss them terribly. I already cannot wait for them to return to England.”

“In the meantime, we have our life to build together,” he told her. “A home and children. A future in which I spend every minute of the day adoring you.”

Victoria’s smile brightened. “I am sure there will be some less adoring minutes.”

“Never,” he assured her, squeezing her hand. “I love you, Victoria, and I cannot wait to spend my life with you.”

“It is going to be a beautiful life,” Victoria smiled, gazing up at him with obvious love.

Staring down at her, he knew without a doubt that it would indeed be a beautiful life together.


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20 thoughts on “Enthralled in the Governess’ Gaze – Extended Epilogue”

  1. This great story is filled with ups and downs and lots of great reasons to always tell the truth. Even the noblest of intentions can cause problems when it involves lies and half-truths. This was a great reading experience with an excellent story line that keeps you wanting to read to the end.

  2. A very good story and all the twists and turns has the reader involved in trying to make things turn out right Edward was in love but I think he was happy to find Victoria is a lady and not a governess

  3. A marvelous story, but riddled with inconsistencies, grammatically and typographically, that interrupted the flow of an excellent plot. Someone who is supposed to proofread is doing this author a disservice by failing to correct both glaring… and less obvious…errors. I highlighted the copy I read, in case there is a way to see these mistakes.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words and support, my dear Anna!

      So glad you enjoyed the story! We are aware of the proofreading issues and doing our best to enrich our team with more efficient members!

  4. When I read the first few chapters of the novel it was so intriguing that I wanted to read the whole book right away. I was a bit dissapointed how the relationship between Edward and Victoria was progressing. In the beginning Tory was full of spirit, but her character changed completely throughout the story. I would prefer she didn’t run away from Edward but face him with the truth. But nonetheless a great story which I really enjoyed reading.

  5. It is a lovely story starting from their chance meeting to the romance developing between them and the happy ending. I can see the need for Victoria to pretend to be a commoner in the beginning but once she got to know Edward and Emily she should have told him the truth. Knowing how Edward felt about deceitful women she should not have planned to tell him at the masquerade ball. Better editing is required but overall it was a good story.

  6. I loved the story from the beginning. The characters are absolutely incredible and made the whole thing much more enjoyable with their own unique personalities. Love all the ups and downs throughout this amazing story. However the excessive amount of mistakes in grammatical errors and confusion in characters made for some confusion. Overall I love the story!

  7. A few mistakes here and there. Your editor needs a kick up the …….
    Good story. Different from the usual too. Well done

  8. I loved the fast moving plot and not being in suspense too long for them to find each other again and then the happy ending. Great story and hard to put down!

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