A Duke’s Wicked Secret – Extended Epilogue


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Theo paced back and forth in the only area of their chambers that was unoccupied. The rest of the room was full with the doctor, nurses, Penelope’s mother, and Georgina (all scurrying around doing anything they could to help). Penelope lay in bed bleeding profusely. She was now eight and half months pregnant with their second child, and she had had a very easy pregnancy for both children. However, yesterday, she started feeling strange, and just an hour ago she noticed bleeding as they sat together on the balcony enjoying a small brunch. 

It was too soon for the baby to come, and the bleeding was very alarming, so they quickly called for help. Penelope’s mother stopped by Georgina and Alexander’s estate, and they left their two-year-old daughter and new-born baby girl at home to come at once and be there to support their very best friends. Theo hated seeing the love of his life suffering so, but although she was in significant pain, the doctor said that it was not yet time for her to push, and she needed to relax and breathe deeply. 

Bessie, Penelope’s handmaiden came over to Theo and told him quietly, “Your Grace, little mistress Elizabeth is worried, and although I have done my best to calm her and tell her everything is all right, she is begging to see you. Could you go to see her for a moment?” 

Theo nodded in response to her request but first walked over to Penelope and kissed her damp forehead as he brushed her sweat soaked curls aside. 

“My love, I will be right back. I am going to check on Lizzy and let her know she has nothing to worry about.”

Penelope nodding her understanding. She did not have the strength to muster words, but her eyes said it all. That she wanted him to go and assure her that Mummy loved her very much and would be just fine. Theo walked from their chambers feeling as though his heart were torn in two. It killed him to leave Penelope alone without him there if anything should happen, but the other half of his heart longed to go and soothe his sweet little daughter’s fears and protect her heart from worrying too much. She was the sun in his universe, and it was challenging not to spoil her because he adored her so much. 

She looked just like a miniature version of her mother, with bright shining blue eyes, and brown curls that bounced happily around her beautiful smiling face. She had double dimples that when she flashed them at you, it melted your heart. She was almost two years old and smart as a whip. Lizzy, which was Theo and Penelope’s pet name for her, had inherited both of her parents’ love and talent for horses and riding on horseback. Elizabeth adored the little grey pony, named Flitzy and asked to go and ride her daily. 

“Hey, Sugar Plum, how are you my little butterfly?” Theo said with the jolliest tone he could muster.

“Papa, what is going on? When can I see Mummy? Mummy needs me. It is garden adventure time!”

“Everything is okay, darling. Mummy is busy right now. She is having the baby now, sweetie.” 

“Ohh, baby brother, sister, is here. Can I see?” Elizabeth asked jumping up and down. They had explained to her that they did not know if the baby was going to be a boy or a girl and somehow Elizabeth had mixed it up in her head that the baby was going to be both. 

“Not yet, the baby should be here soon, though. Have you had fun today so far?”

“Yeah …” Elizabeth said distracted by the ruffles on her light blue dress. 

Penelope’s mother walked in and whispered in Theo’s ear, “Penelope needs you, Theo. The doctor says that it is just about time for Penelope to begin pushing.” Theo stood up, “Hey my lovely little one. How would you like to go on a ride with Grandmamma?” 

“Yay!” Elizabeth answered and ran off to find her nursery maid, Annie, to help her change into her riding habit, and Grandmamma followed closely behind her. 

Theo watched his lovely little girl run off for a moment and thought of how worried he was the day she was born. He had never felt so helpless before in his life. He just held her hand and wiped Penelope’s forehead every few minutes. The doctors had done their very best to keep Theo out of their chambers when Penelope’s time had come but he would not hear a word of it. Improper or not, he could not care less. He was going to be by his wife’s side through this entire birth. 

 Penelope refused to scream as her labour pains increased. Only when she began to push did she call out in agony and exertion. Theo prayed that this time would be the same, that as scared as he was that day, it would be replaced with sheer joy when he held his tiny perfect baby daughter in his arms with Penelope sleepily looking up at him. 

Theo walked quickly back into their chambers and went straight to Penelope’s side. 

“Theo I want you to know … it is going to be OK … I know the baby is early … but I feel in my heart that both of us will … be … all right …” Penelope said having to constantly pause more frequently as she continued speaking.

“I trust you, my lovely lover. I know you can do this, and once you have overcome it, we will have a wonderful baby boy or girl added to our little family,” Theo said more confidently than he felt deep down. 

“All right Your Grace, the time has come. On my count, I need you to push and then when I say, take deep breaths. One. Two. Three. Push!” 

Penelope bore down and through her gritted teeth she called out in immeasurable pain. Theo held Penelope’s hand and quietly coaxed her. 

“Good job. You are doing very well. Breathe long slow breaths, Your Grace.” 

Penelope took several more long pursed breaths and then took a small sip of water that one of the maids offered her. 

“Now push. Push hard. That is it!”

This went on for a few minutes more, but to Theo, it felt like years. 

“Hold on to me tightly my love,” Theo encouraged her. 

“This is the last one, Your Grace. The babe’s head is already crowning. One last big push of all, and you will be done!” 

Penelope pushed hard and yelled with all the strength left in her body. Theo watched in amazement as his sweet bride brought new life into this world. Moments later, the shrill cry of a baby rang out in the room, and everyone gave a huge sigh of relief. Theo leaned down, kissed Penelope softly on her tired lips, and told her how much he loved her. 

“Your Graces,’ I have the honour of telling you that you have a healthy and strong lunged baby boy.”

As the doctor said this, he handed them their precious baby wrapped in a soft blanket. The nurses had quickly cleaned him off and wrapped him up. He continued to scream loudly until he was in his mother’s arms. She pulled him closely into her breast, and he instantly started searching for Penelope’s nipple. She helped the little one to find her nipple, and he latched on very quickly and relaxed as her milk began to flow. 

Georgina came over, cooed at the baby, and told Penelope that she and Alexander needed to be getting back home to their children but that they were so happy to have been there and would be back in a few days once she was ready for company and help them celebrate officially the birth of their sweet baby boy, The Future Duke of Winchester. 

The babe was the most beautiful baby boy Theo had ever seen. As he stroked his tiny scalp, he noticed the little tuffs of hair brown hair on his head. After their son had finished nursing on each side, he was beginning to fall asleep. Penelope handed their new-born child into Theo’s awaiting and eager arms.

Theo held his son and marvelled that the perfection of this little one in front of him. His hands, soft white skin, and sweet little eye lashes that were already so long and curled perfectly. Theo felt a huge sense of pride and joy swelling within his chest. This was his son. The one that would carry on the Winterbourne name and further their family lineage. Theo felt the weight of responsibility to teach his son all that he would need to know to be a good and successful man in this world. 

“Oh, Penelope, he is perfect. You have done an amazing job,” Theo whispered. 

All the others were leaving the room and letting the tired mother and babe have some rest and peaceful quiet for a while. Penelope looked up at Theo as he held their son and smiled at him, though her eyes were growing heavier by the moment. 

“Darling, take a nap. I will hold him, and when you wake up in a little while, we will discuss making a final decision on what to name this handsome little man of ours.”

“Thank you, my lover,” Penelope said as she slipped into a peaceful sleep. 

Both mother and child slept for about an hour, and although Penelope would have slept longer, the little young duke had other plans, saying that he was starving by the loud sound of his cries. Theo handed the babe into her arms, and she helped him once again find her nipple, and he quickly suckled ravenously and held onto the sides of his mother’s breast with his tiny hands. 

“Well, I do not think we will have any trouble getting this little one to eat,” Penelope said, smiling down at her beautiful son. 

“So now that we have seen him, have you settled on a name yet, my love?” Theo asked, and he sat down in their huge bed, putting his arm behind her to help prop her up. They both looked down at their son. 

“I know we discussed multiple names …” Penelope said. 

“You mean argued,” Theo interrupted her smiling. 

“Well, yes, I suppose that is a tad bit more accurate. But I think now having seen him, there really is only one name that would suit him.”

“William.” Theo and Penelope both said in unison. Something about it was the only name that would suit him. Theo and Penelope chuckled quietly, not wanting to startle their babe that was still nursing hungrily. 

“Then it is decided he is our little William Tobias Winchester,” Theo said proudly. 

“I am so happy, Theo. Do you know, is Lizzy near? I want her to meet her little brother.”

“I am sure I can find her. Your mother had taken her on a ride, but I am sure they have returned by now,” Theo said. 

He walked out of their chambers quietly and went into the drawing room where he assumed his daughter and mother-in-law would be taking tea by now. When Elizabeth saw her father, her eyes lit up, and she ran into his arms.

“Papa! Baby is here?” 

“Yes, Lizzy. The baby is here now. I know this is very exciting, but Mummy is very tired, so I need you to be calm and quiet when you see them. Can you do that, my sweetheart?” Theo asked. 

He picked her up and carried his little girl in to meet her new baby brother and the latest addition of their beautiful family. As Theo carried her, he thought about how blessed he was to have gone from being known as The Mad Duke, and now he was well respected and valued by most of the Ton, aside from the most ignorant, and it was all due to one crazy ride where he met a wild and incredible woman that changed his life and brought his world to life forever.


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11 thoughts on “A Duke’s Wicked Secret – Extended Epilogue”

  1. +Thanks, for sending me a new link. I don’t know why a lot of authors are not just including the extended ending in the stories anymore. A lot of the people reviews have bought this up and taken stars off due to not being able to get them or getting the one for the wrong story. Please, please go back to putting them as part of the story or book. A reader of a lot of authors and arc’s too.

    1. Welcome dear Nanna! Extended epilogues are little treats for my dear readers and work as an extra to the original book that already has an epilogue, so it is something diffrent that you can find it in my website and takes a different kind of work and approach. Thank you!

  2. Loved the story! Too bad the information at the end of the book to the Extended Epilogue were incorrect, making it hard to find.

  3. Thank you for an interesting love story. (I also found your extended epilogue all by my 72 year old self! ☺️) These two people were truly meant to be together! The way you wrote that each was the other half of each other was so heartwarming! Not many authors express themselves so clearly. I don’t often leave a comment but had to this time. It is not because I didn’t like the other books but because I didn’t think I could write a good enough review in the past. I have read many of your books as well as others. Most of them were vey good and I will be starting another one of yours soon! Thanks again. Jp

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