A Duke’s Lustful Riddle (Preview)


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Chapter One


With his firm stance and dark colored clothes, the late Duke of Ashbourne looked the picture of heroism in his final portrait. The portrait was painted a mere two months before his passing and portrayed him well. In his living years, the duke had been a rather eccentric man. But in the painted portrait, it was as if he were trying to communicate something through his eyes and enigmatic expression. His portrait spoke a thousand words.

Gemma Whitmore stood beneath his painting in the hallway, casting a shadow on the wall, reminiscing about their last five years together. The duke had been more than a father figure to her since the passing of her parents, Richard and Lillian Whitmore, The Earl and Countess of Whitestone. The duke became her guardian after their death, and had been a very steady presence in Gemma’s life. Without proper parents, Gemma had felt as horrifically lost as any young woman would tend to feel—made all the worse by the tragic deaths of her parents at the tender age of fifteen.

The duke’s death, six months prior, still tugged at her heartstrings. The bond that she had developed with him had been key to her continuing on after the tragic carriage accident that had taken her mother and father. Truthfully, Gemma often wondered how far she might have fallen back then if the duke had not come around following the accident and offered to take her in and come to her aid. It could be explained in many different ways, but sudden death and loss was painful and permanent.

It had been so easy to lose hope in the world after her parents’ death. However, the duke’s act of kindness was something that carried great influence in her development as a young woman. It was the man’s generous nature that supplied the healing salve that her heart had truly required. In the five years that she spent with The Duke of Ashbourne, discussions and hobbies had blossomed between the two of them, as he took to mentoring her and sharing his knowledge of history, travel, and antiques.

Gemma stared at the duke’s portrait, thinking about all of their greatest moments together; a montage of memories that now defined her in the present day. Without him, there was a somber energy to the estate, and its grounds, that continued to linger on as the months passed.

She remembered the day the duke took her in like it was yesterday. It was a week after her parents had died. The duke had come to her house extending the invitation to stay with him. When she had opened the door to see him standing there—every bit the gentleman with a warm and inviting visage—the weight of her loss began to disappear right then and there. In that moment, her perspective shifted on being able to trust another adult and to rely on a stable man. Five years later, the duke became terribly ill. His subsequent death leading to her current position—gazing with emotion at the portrait of a great man.

Gemma knew and understood at that point, that her capacity to love others was, at times, her very undoing in life. In fact, it seemed to her that every person that she cared deeply for simply disappeared from her life, over and over, leaving her raw and untrusting.

“Lady Gemma,” a voice announced from behind her, startling her and interrupting her reverie. She turned from the portrait to see the tall figure of her butler approaching.

“Lady Felicity Rothchild is here for you.” The tall man’s eyes conveyed security and trust while his mouth remained smoothed in no particular expression.

“Thank you, Kingsley,” Gemma said to him with a flash of a smile that lit up her whole face.

Gemma took one last glance at the portrait and let out a deep sigh. She left the room and found Felicity waiting for her patiently in the drawing room. Felicity could instantly soothe anyone she came in contact with. Gemma could use that soothing today.

“Gemma. You look reasonably well,” Felicity said in her soft voice. Her gentle expression immediately put Gemma at further ease as she crossed the room to her longtime friend and confidante. She grasped her friend’s hands in her own and squeezed them gently. 

Felicity’s eyes sparkled as she spoke.

“There is a pensive but beautiful luster to your eyes, my friend. Something tells me that you might have been taking in another ponderous moment in front of the duke’s portrait?”

“Ah, Felicity, you know me well. Indeed, I was just thinking about how the duke, upon taking me in, changed my life for the better. I miss him very much. Just as it was with my parents, I have again lost another whom I cared for a great deal, and my heart is heavier for it.”

Felicity, her voice normally soft spoken, sounded too deep for a lady such as herself and for such an occasion. “It happens too often, does it not?”

“Would you care for a walk in the gardens? I am in need of fresh air. My mind is haunting me with memories of what life was like when he was still with me.” Gemma smiled woefully at her friend. 

Felicity nodded with enthusiasm. It warmed Gemma deeply that her friend was accommodating her desires, and she was grateful. There was nary an ill that could not be soothed by a long stroll among the most beautiful pieces of nature. The garden on the estate was just such a place.

Felicity and Gemma made their way to the back where the garden was. It wasn’t the most well- kept garden since the duke’s passing, but it was a desperately needed outdoor excursion.

“My dear Gemma, you rarely look undone on any given day. Even today, lost in thought, I do say with all sincerity that nothing robs you of your beauty and presence. I can see that you look as beautiful as any day, especially today. That dress is simply divine on you.”

Gemma glanced down at her pale pink dress. It was new and it was kind of Felicity to notice how it complimented her shape. Gemma’s auburn hair was hanging loosely around her shoulders. Distractedly, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Felicity, you are the breath of fresh air that I needed,” Gemma murmured as their simultaneous footsteps made their way down the garden path. Neither woman made any acknowledgement regarding the state of the grounds. In the silence, Gemma asked, “How was your carriage ride?” Her voice held only a suitable amount of concern, but it was laced with a touch of her own personal worry, even if largely unfounded. Losing your parents to a simple carriage ride made one over worry. Felicity understood this rather personal concern, and she responded calmly. “It was merely a short ride and brought me safely to your door.” 

Gemma breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

 “However, on the ride over I did think of something that I wanted to inquire about with you,” Felicity’s voice hesitated only slightly, and she presented her friend with a very fresh and welcoming smile.

Gemma’s curiosity peaked, and laughing lightly, asked, “And, what might that be?” She knew Felicity was not prone to crossing lines with her on most matters. Gemma did have the wildest imagination and from the depths of that space, she felt Felicity might very well be about to ask a question of Gemma that would set a new pace upon the conversation.

Felicity paused slightly and pressed forward with innocence and love in her voice. “What is going on with the duke’s son? Would he perhaps be due back soon?” Her question hung in the air between them as the low sounds of sweet bird song echoed in a far-off corner of the garden. 

Gemma could tell that Felicity was probing, albeit carefully, in order to truly discern what Gemma’s feelings might be regarding Gabriel. It was common knowledge that sometimes a child may not truly want to return to their roots to take over a family estate, especially as it applied to the Ashbourne estate and the duke’s only heir.

Since the duke’s passing, Hugh, the duke’s nephew, and solicitor, had taken over guardianship of Gemma and been put in charge of the estate. It was common knowledge that the duke’s son was the rightful heir and truly in need of stepping into his proper position.

“I will admit, I am uneasy about his return, Felicity. I do believe that it could be any day now. Unfortunately,” Gemma confided to Felicity, “Gabriel and I had a relationship that was fraught with tension until he left to study natural sciences in France. I know not if he has forgotten such matters, but I have not forgotten.” Gemma’s voice took on a slight strain. “For that reason I wonder if we shall see Gabriel at all. Would it be any surprise at all to find that he is reluctant to come back here?”

Felicity looked at Gemma with an unreadable expression on her face. She could be leaning a bit towards concern if her face were to give away any emotions whatsoever.

“Do you have great concerns that, if Gabriel does return, that he will upset the current state of things here? Will his return add such a terrible tension to your days?” Felicity’s inquiry was pleasant enough, but it did perplex Gemma enough to make her tense.

Gemma stopped walking, frozen in place. In truth, she had not spent sufficient time thinking about how she might feel and behave upon the return of the duke’s son. Societal rules were in place within their society for a reason. With the elder duke now gone, she had no one to turn to for counsel on dealing with Gabriel’s return. 

She did not like to think of what would happen to her once Gabriel arrived. His return could mean that her day-to-day life could change significantly. This sparked questions in Gemma’s mind. Would he kick her out or welcome her with open arms? 

“I am not sure,” Gemma confessed as she started walking again. “I suppose that there are several possible alternatives if and when Gabriel returns to the estate. My future could look a lot different with Gabriel as my guardian.”

They walked side by side in silence for a moment before Felicity spoke up, softening her voice again. “Life in the Ton is a rather rigid path, Gemma. As women, we understand that it is the men who guide the matters of family and women’s fate within that family. I wonder now if your future holds an arranged marriage, as is the custom.” Felicity’s light laughter eased any tension that the inquiry might have had upon her friend. 

Gemma gently smiled to indicate that she was not offended at all by this aspect of her friend’s musings. Arching her eyebrow slightly, she nodded carefully as she continued to walk and take in the expansive garden and thought-provoking conversation.

“You speak truthfully, Felicity. Life in the Ton is, as we both know, difficult. I find myself chafing against it when I imagine what my life will be in the coming months. I wonder if Gabriel’s return will bring nothing but chaos. To the matter of a man asking for my hand in marriage, I will protest for I fear the loss of personal freedom.” 

A comfortable pause settled in the space between the women as they continued to stroll through the garden. The fresh blooming flowers and overgrown bushes made a strange pairing, but somehow, there was beauty to be found within the garden, a salve to the soul.

“What about you, Felicity? Is there a particular gentleman on your mind at present?” Gemma smiled boldly at her own direct questioning and waited for Felicity to give her a soft glare, the only response she could muster.

Felicity let out a gentle sigh. She clasped her hands together and furrowed her brow.

“Of course not. The season hasn’t started yet but maybe someone will catch my attention. There is still time enough.” 

While Gemma was pondering how to keep the conversation on course with inquiries about her friend’s possible romantic interests, a male voice emerged, near the entrance of the garden.

“Ladies, what a pleasure to find you both out here on such a fine day.” The deep baritone was smooth and unassuming.

Both Felicity and Gemma turned in near perfect unison as Lord Anderson, the late duke’s nephew, solicitor, and Gemma’s current guardian, approached them.

Felicity promptly tripped into Gemma at the sight of Hugh. Gemma gave her a look before grinning at Hugh. He had been a fixture during her years living with the late duke and had been her current guardian for the last six months. She enjoyed his disposition as well as his sharp mind and intellect.

“Hello Lord Anderson, I wasn’t expecting to see you out today. I know you had a rather busy schedule,” Gemma said, nodding an acknowledgment and greeting to Hugh.

Hugh ducked his head ever so slightly and provided a genteel smile. He was a consummate gentleman, and this was immediately conveyed through his relaxed but formal body language towards both women.

“I saw that you had a visitor, and I thought it was only polite to stop and say hello. So, hello Lady Gemma and her friend.” Hugh regarded Felicity warmly with a sparkle in his eyes that drew a deep blush from the lady herself.

“This is my dearest friend, Lady Felicity Rothchild. She lives just down the way,” Gemma explained.

“Hello, Lord Anderson,” Felicity mumbled, her usually tan complexion flushed red. She appeared to be quite nervous at the proximity of the man.

Hugh Anderson smiled at Felicity and Gemma, and there was something shared between the women. In fact, both young women looked a bit as if they had swallowed a canary. A smile stretched from one ear to the other, as he presented himself most amiably.

It seemed as if Felicity was flustered by Hugh’s sudden appearance. The pink hue to her face was still very present. Gemma took note of the changing shades on her sweet friend’s face.

Gemma herself was suddenly struck by an idea of such genius that she could not keep it to herself. She hoped later that she was not going to speak out of turn, but the words made their way out of her mouth and to the two people standing with her. She spotted a very particular moment between her friend and the solicitor, and she was going to present an invitation.

Her voice gained a slight bit of volume as she forwardly stated, “I simply must tell you that I plan on hosting a grand dinner party. I will be in need of esteemed guests, and naturally, you both hold a very close place in my heart. I would be pleased if you would promise to be in attendance. Can I count on you to be there?”

Hugh glanced between Felicity and Gemma before agreeing. “Sounds like a perfectly ideal invitation, my Lady, and I thank you. I would be very honored to accept your invitation and look forward to seeing you lovely ladies there. I must excuse myself from your company. I merely had a short time to share my greetings. I will see you tomorrow evening. Thank you for sharing this time with me, Ladies.” 

After Hugh took his leave of the women, Felicity playfully admonished her friend with a laugh.

“Gemma! Why would you do that?” Felicity asked, her face reddening to a deeper pink at the thought of spending more time in Hugh’s presence. 

“I suppose there simply isn’t much that I can say now, is there?” Gemma smirked.

Felicity continued woefully, ringing her hands together. “It would seem you mischievously got me into something I wish to avoid.” Felicity shook her head and laughed. “I do hope that the meal will be so exquisite that Lord Anderson will be most enthralled! Do not overlook any detail for the evening, Gemma!”

Felicity walked briskly away and made her way to the front of the manor. It appeared as though Gemma’s sudden dinner invitation had struck a nerve in her otherwise good-natured friend. 

As the carriage drove off, Felicity presented a playful glare, and Gemma knew that all was right between them. She tried to ignore the worry she felt about the safety of the carriage that carried her friend home. She understood that carriages were relatively safe. She had ridden in them countless times since her parents’ tragic accident but they still made her uneasy. She hoped as time passed; her unease would lessen. 

Once Felicity’s carriage was out of sight, Gemma turned and made her way back inside, intent on putting together the most enjoyable dinner party. Maybe the spark she saw would grow into a flame between the guests of honor.



Felicity had no idea what to make of Lord Anderson. This was not her first time seeing the gentleman, but it was her first time interacting with him. His voice and demeanor were rather pleasing, and his unassuming countenance put one at ease.

She admired him from afar, but up close he was even more handsome. With his thick blonde hair and golden eyes, he was everything that Felicity had dreamed for herself. However, there was that small matter of her response to his appearance in the garden. Why could she have not behaved a bit more elegantly? 

Did she imagine that eye contact? No, she thought. Felicity knew that something had been exchanged between herself and this delightful man.

As the carriage rumbled along the road back to her home, Felicity wondered how she might bring up the subject with her mother. Her mother was a warm and engaging listener who was never put out to walk her daughter through the proper steps on how to conduct herself.

The scenery passed quickly as the carriage traveled at a steady clip. As the carriage jostled her about in the seat, Felicity continued to ponder how her mother could best advise her on the matter of her heart and Lord Anderson. She hoped that her mother would have the most useful of advice when it came to winning the man as a suitor. 

These matters required such delicate handling and Felicity found herself thinking through how lucky she was to still have her family. Gemma grappled with that loss every day since the untimely death of her parents. What a tragic way to lose one’s family, Felicity thought.

Her mind was moving back and forth from her embarrassment with Lord Anderson and the matter of her friend who was a woman in need of a suitor herself. Between the two of them, Felicity was more receptive to the idea of a suitor as this was the way of life in the Ton. She could not wait upon just any man, and Lord Anderson was delightfully urbane, and qualified to be her suitor. If only she could settle upon a proper suitor for Gemma, then they could live their lives in the Ton as close couples as they settled in and had children and estates of their own.

Felicity understood one thing: Gemma was her own woman. Life in the Ton might dictate a particular manner of making decisions, especially when it comes to suitors, but Gemma was not one to be swayed by other peoples’ opinions, not even Felicity’s thoughts on this matter could change her mind. Patience would be the best approach for the present time. She will trust that when the ideal man presented himself, her friend would be amenable.


Chapter Two


Gabriel docked in London, the sight of the city welcoming after the arduous trip. Halfway through, Gabriel had started getting seasick from the bumpy seas, aided by the act of reading the letters that Hugh Anderson had sent to him since his father had passed.

It wasn’t that Gabriel wasn’t interested in the status of the estate. It was that he wasn’t interested in anything at all. For six months he had been nursing a wounded heart and the loss of his father at the same time, and could not muster enough interest to even run his own small life in France. He sulked, drank, and slept the months away, with the hope that he would wake up and it would all have been a nightmare. He ignored his studies, his friends, and his tutors. Even now, on the rocky seas, never far from a pail, the ache in his chest continued.

Six months ago, while he was attending his father’s funeral, Lily had packed her belongings and left. He had returned to an empty flat except for the furniture they had acquired together. She didn’t even have the decency to say goodbye to him in person. She left a letter. It detailed the account of her tryst with a Count who had passed through France. A chance meeting walking along the Seine and after a short conversation, she was smitten and he was too, she’d said. She had been seeing him while they were together.

He had been abandoned by his father and betrayed by his love. He vowed six months ago that he would never allow his heart to hurt this way again.

As the trip had progressed, Gabriel went through one letter after another. The plethora of information conveyed from Hugh had reached grand proportions. He had kept Gabriel informed of key developments impacting his new life upon his return to the estate and, in the earlier letters, harangued him about his new responsibilities. The new Duke of Ashbourne cared little for his title, but understood that he would not be able to shirk the duties that came with it much longer. So, he packed up his flat and got on the rickety transport to face his new life; the thought that maybe a change of scenery would do him some good now that the reason he had fled England was gone.

It was well known that a father and a first-born son don’t usually get along due to the burden of responsibility placed on the son early in life. The relationship between Gabriel and his own father was no different. As soon as Gabriel could, he fled the estate to pursue his own life, out from under society’s watchful eye. 

The Duke of Ashbourne disdained his son’s scientific studies. He and Gabriel had had many a quarrel over his son’s vision of his future. The duke strenuously protested any deviation from simply taking over the family estate as his son was obliged to do since birth. This was after all why men had sons.

As the ship docked at long last, Gabriel found himself gazing from the deck in wonderment all across London, as it welcomed him back. It was just the same as the last time he could recall being there; with the bustling and massive metropolis of carriages and large homes, where the very pulse of commerce and trade could be found. London was indeed an epicenter of its own making.

As he found himself at last on dry land, Gabriel took a long moment to find his land legs and steady himself slightly. It was not more than a short stroll from the dock that he came upon a hotel that spoke to him of one last night of freedom before he arrived at Ashbourne Manor. It was situated on a busy street with foot traffic going in and out steadily.

The hotel was three stories high and made from dark brown brick. It looked cozy and a good place to spend the night. Gabriel did not need much even if he was used to finer lodgings.

As luck would have it, the first floor of the hotel had a bar and after getting settled into his room, Gabriel went down to the bar with the letters from Hugh, fully prepared to dive back in for additional clarification on just how much work the estate was going to need.

The long cherry wood bar was empty, except for the barkeep, so Gabriel took a spot along the end and ordered a drink.

“Brandy please,” Gabriel ordered politely, knowing that he would need the alcohol to get himself through the rest of the letters. In truth, he had only digested portions of the contents of the letters. He was positive that not all of the information had been fully absorbed within his mind.

Gabriel had read the letters during his trip over from France, but there seemed to be three that stood out the most to him. He trained his eyes upon the pages and began to re-read them.

Dear Gabriel,

It has come to my attention that you are not planning on returning to Ashbourne Estate. If that is indeed true, we will need your permission for some arrangements. Lady Gemma Whitmore has been staying at the estate for the past five years and since your father’s passing, no one knows what to do with her. I have taken over as her guardian, but it is truly your duty. Do you wish for us to keep providing for her? Please respond so that we can make arrangements quickly.

All the best,


Dear Gabriel,

The estate is floundering without a master. The gardens are overgrown, and the staff are becoming wary. They wonder if they will be out of a job as there is no one there to run the estate. Please respond so that I can let everyone know whether their livelihoods are at stake.

All the best,


Dear Gabriel,

It seems you are ignoring my letters so let me be frank. It was your father’s wish for you to become the duke and head of the estate. You have duties that you must fulfill, and it is disappointing that you are ignoring them. Someone needs to take over Ashbourne Estate before it becomes overrun. Lady Gemma and I are doing our best to keep things afloat, but the estate needs a master. The estate needs you.

All the best,


After reading the last three letters, Gabriel downed the rest of his brandy.

Things at Ashbourne Estate were clearly falling apart, and someone needed to take care of things and unfortunately that someone was him. It was such a bothersome issue. His studies and other life had been fulfilling. Of course, he had fought hard against returning to the estate, and that was for one key reason.

His family was gone.

There was nothing left for him to do. Or so he had thought. 

The messages from Hugh were that his duties required him to be front and center, residing right there at Ashbourne Estate. If that was to be the way of it, then the time had finally arrived for him to face all of that he had previously run away from.

The next day, he ordered a carriage and began the long trip back to Ashbourne Estate. His only solace found in letting the carriage rock him to sleep during the journey.

As the road to Ashbourne Estate unfolded all around him, Gabriel found the beautiful foliage a welcome sight. The rolling hills captivated his vision as the distance from the city grew. With each kilometer, he reminded himself that among this beautiful scenery was his family home, and Gemma Whitmore.

The carriage turned onto the winding drive that led to the estate. The tall trees and overgrown bushes came into view, shocking him to his core. The trees were even bigger than the last time Gabriel had been home, which had been for his father’s funeral a mere six months ago. Everyone had been stunned to see Gabriel on that occasion for he had been out of touch for many years. They had been less stunned when he disappeared right after his father was buried.

Now, here he was again, and everything looked unkempt and more than a little rundown. In fact, much of the familiarity of the estate seemed as if it were trapped underneath the overgrown foliage that grew from nearly every crack and crevice.

The estate stood at two stories high and was made from light tan brick. Gabriel knew the estate like the back of his hand and hoped the inside of his home was still just as he remembered it. There were countless windows and a wide staircase leading to the front door. It was regal and beautiful and familiar.

Gabriel let out a mix of emotion in one breath as he exited the carriage. The staff, as familiar as his own blood, greeted him enthusiastically, despite his long absence. Some of the staff looked downright relieved to see him.

His personal valet grabbed his bags and removed them to his set of rooms, while Kingsley talked animatedly. “Your Grace, we have been eagerly awaiting your arrival.” 

“Have you now? I fear that I might be a rather dull substitute for my father,” Gabriel said as he looked around at the familiar surroundings.

“We have indeed. The estate needs someone to be in charge,” Kingsley explained. “We… well, I and Lady Gemma have done our best to maintain the estate, but we are no substitute for a titled gentleman such as yourself.” Kingsley smiled nervously at the new duke.

Gabriel didn’t believe a word that Kingsley was uttering, but from the looks of the estate, he could certainly not argue that some real work was needed to restore it to its previous glory.

“Is Lord Anderson around? I would like a word with him in my study.” Gabriel’s terse manner had Kingsley hurrying away.

He and Hugh were distant cousins and aside from an event in childhood that the family attended, most of their communication happened through letters throughout their lives. He has only a vague memory of what Hugh might look like.

Gabriel entered his father’s darkened study. Not a soul had touched the room in six months, as he instructed before he left. There was dust on every surface and when he opened the curtains, dust flew around him like a snowstorm. A sturdy knock at the door had him answering, “Come in.”

Hugh opened the door hesitantly and entered slowly. He looked around the room and began coughing heartily at the dust dancing around in the light.

“Hugh, my dear man, how have you been? It’s been ages since we last saw each other, hasn’t it?”

“Yes, Your Grace, it’s certainly been a long time indeed. It appears France treated you very well indeed,” Hugh smiled and the two gave each other a gentleman’s handshake.

Gabriel flinched inwardly at the comment. Being home will take some getting used to.

“I don’t have a lot of time, so why don’t you show me around the estate, mainly the areas in need of the most attention.” If he was going to be here, he wasn’t wasting a minute of his time. 

“Of course, Your Grace,” Hugh said as he led the way out of the study. Gabriel wasn’t ready to be lenient on his title, even if he hated it. Now that he was home, it would do everyone well to remember he was the new head of the estate.

He and Hugh made their way around the estate, looking in every room to see how things had changed and what needed immediate work. With each room, Gabriel’s frustration grew. It appears Hugh was telling the truth in those letters. When they got to the grounds, Gabriel cursed under his breath. He stayed away too long after his father passed.

They finished the assessment and went back inside by way of the overgrown garden. Tersely, Gabriel said, “Put the list of work needed on my desk in the study. I’ll look at it with fresh eyes in the morning.”

“As you wish, Your Grace.” 

Hugh walked away, leaving Gabriel in the garden. This was always his place of sanctuary when he was stressed. He sat for a few minutes on the bench under his favorite oak tree and closed his eyes. He did a mental calculation of the work that needed to be done. Tomorrow, he would need to go over the finances to ensure the work could be completed. 

He made his way to his rooms. His valet had put everything away just as he preferred it. He reminisced about the old days as he wandered around his room.

There were clothes in the dressers from years ago that no longer fit him, and the light-colored bedding was not to his liking. He would have to get a designer to come in and change everything for him. He was not yet ready to move into his father’s quarters. The wound of his death still too raw. 

Looking around the room, Gabriel felt empty. Like a stranger in his own home. The feeling that he has come full circle sat in the pit of his stomach. This was not the life he envisioned for himself. 

With a full intent on going to sleep and achieving some semblance of rest, it was rather frustrating when Gabriel found himself to be extremely restless. Frustrated, he rose from his bed and made his way into the hallway. As he headed quietly down the carpeted hall, he spotted a young woman.

The young woman was engrossed in arranging flowers. They appeared to be lilies, which were a favorite of his. He felt the more of them that were prominently displayed all around the estate, inside and out, the better.

He watched the woman for a moment, admiring her auburn hair that went down to her mid back before she turned around, leaving Gabriel stunned. How long has it been since he last saw her?

Her body was grown up, but he would know her gentle face anywhere. The light in her eyes was the same. 

“Gemma?” He hardly recognized the timid girl he had once known. Her beauty was captivating. Her eyes sparkled as she regarded him, and they widened in utter surprise. The vase that she was holding slipped from her grasp.

The vase made a loud crashing sound as it shattered against the floor.

“What a clumsy woman I am!” Gemma blustered as the color in her cheeks rose and a tinkling laugh filled the air.

Instinctively, Gabriel rushed to her side and crouched down to aid in the retrieval of the broken shards. As he reached the glittering pieces, he brushed Gemma’s hand, sending jolts of electricity up his arm. His heart beat against his ribs.

He noted the subtle pulsing in her neck which matched his own and her hand was warm and soft. His breath caught in his throat as she looked up at him under her lashes, captivating his soul. Gone was the timid young girl. In her place blossomed a beautiful young woman.

Time had certainly changed a few things at the estate, including Gemma Whitmore.

“A Duke’s Lustful Riddle” is an Amazon Best-Selling novel, check it out here!

After her parents’ loss five years ago, Lady Gemma Whitmore has to deal with her beloved guardian’s passing, the late Duke of Ashbourne. In the shadowy corridors of the ducat, Gemma gets caught up in a tangle of secrets, riddles and desires. Despite her vow to never marry, the arrival of the tempting, new master of Ashbourne Estate challenges her determination. As wicked schemes unravel and a passionate treasure hunt for love begins…

Will she surrender to the Duke’s flaming gaze?

Duke Gabriel Anderson has just returned to London after years of traveling. As the weight of responsibility falls heavily upon his shoulders, he is ill-prepared for the unexpected reunion with the alluring Lady Gemma. Unwilling to let go of his bachelor lifestyle, he finds himself pulled towards a relationship he never anticipated. Yet, fate’s spinning wheel had long imagined their union and when sparks fly a mysterious riddle game entangles them in a tricky dance of desire.

Will Gabriel find the key to Gemma’s fiery heart before it’s too late?

Their destinies entwine when cryptic letters and hidden clues from the late Duke of Ashbourne come to light. Forced together on a sinful quest, Gemma and Gabriel find themselves swept away on a journey of mystery and passion. Each puzzle piece they uncover brings them closer, igniting a sizzling passion that can not be denied. However, with ton’s watchful eye on them and notorious antagonists scheming behind their backs, will they resist the lies and deceit? Will they surrender to their forbidden desires, risking everything for a love that could lead to an eternity of bliss?

“A Duke’s Lustful Riddle” is a historical romance novel of approximately 60,000 words. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed happily ever after.

Get your copy from Amazon!


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